& Donations

Donations to Quincy Valley Allied Arts are welcome from any individual, organization, business or corporation.
We have really grown since our first meeting in October of 1999.... We started out with a bang in the Spring of 2000 with our production of “Oklahoma!”, and we’ve been going strong ever since.
In addition to our annual spring productions, we have added Children’s Theatre, Summer Theatre, and a community Christmas Concert as well as providing numerous scholarships to Quincy high school graduates majoring in the arts.
QVAA’s operating expenses, such as insurance, spotlights, sound and equipment maintenance, are paid for by our patrons’ memberships, grants and donations. Actual production costs, like royalties, scripts, costumes & make-up are paid from the box office sales. Cost of production varies from show to show but an average musical production costs in the neighborhood of $3,000 just for royalties and scripts.
Quincy Valley Allied Arts exists because of your support, both physically and financially. Thank you for supporting the Arts in our community.
Lena Stacy
Allison Pheasant
Arlen & Diane Solders
Kory & Larissa Hebdon
Carol Smith
Larry & Jean Clark
Bernard & Randy Marth
Corporate Sponsors
Central Bean Co.
Kooy's Irrigation, INC
Martin Morris Agency
Ovenell Farms
Overcast Law Offices, PS
Paul & Jane Slager
M&M Transport, LLC
David & Harriet Weber
Grigg Farm
Petersen Vehicle Licensing
Quincy Mini Storage
Quincy Valley Chamber of Commerce
2016 / 2017 Donations
Clifton Larsen Allen
Kooy's Irrigation
Martin Morris
John & Nancy Street
Quincy Hardware & Lumber
Clifford & Stacey Bresee
Bonnie & Larry Kniveton
Diane & Dean Evens
Royston Farms
Mickey & Heidi Manly
Diane Thompson
Jenny Hayes
Harvey & Judy Bryant
Darryl Pheasant
Lifetime Members
Clifton Larson Allen
Dan Nielson
Lorraine Miller
Randy Brooks
John & Gretchen Cedergreen
Galen & Carol Golay
Howard & Marilyn Hyer
Tom Parrish & Deb Adams
Clinton & Lorrain Kooy
Patric & Nancy Connelly
James & Sandra Poldervart
Dianny & Garry Stidman
Will & Stacey Young
Keith & Sherri Kooy
Matthew & Marie Jamison
Helen Fancher
Glen & Janelle Bair
2022/ 2023 Grants
Icicle Fund
Grant County Tourism
Columbia Basin Foundation